Intercepted Valentine Hallway Discussion
As I headed to the litle disabled-folks-operated store in the headquarters of a major US government agency, I fell into step behind two young hotties, typical of the new type of employee there, very young, over-promoted and overpaid, sadly underqualified for the senior duties many of them have assumed, and very arrogant about who they are and where they are and what they do, or are convinced they do. I was about two paces behind 24-something Blonde Hottie, and 26-something Redhead Hottie, both in their too-tight black pants, identical black high heels, and too-tight tops. They had their requisite morning coffees, and were headed back to their cubes to protect the world from all threats, foreign and domestic.
And Blonde Hottie asked: So, how's you Valentine's Day going?
Redhead Hottie: Pretty good so far. I mean, I was up at six this morning, with Justin doing me up the butt.
BH: Really, you let Justin do that?
RH: Sure, you know, it's Valentine's Day n' all, n' he likes it so much.
BH: So . . . and . . .?
RH: It wasn't too bad. I wasn't too into it this morning, since it was so cold, but sometimes if I'm really drunk I really enjoy it.
BH: But doesn't it hurt?
RH: Only a little, at first, and not if you go nice and slow. Justin taught me that . . .
At that point my corridor junction appeared, and I peeled right, leaving the two to openly and freely discuss their anal and other sexual activities as they returned from morning coffee.
Not a bad way to start a cold winter morning.