Borat's Unflinching, Shining Beam of Truth
First, this little bit of delightful context:
Now Romanians Say 'Borat' Misled Them
14 Nov 06
William Kole, AP Writer
Glod, Romania
The name of this remote Romanian village means "mud," and that's exactly what angry locals are throwing at comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. Cohen used Glod's Gypsies as stand-ins for Kazakhs in his runaway hit movie, "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan." Now offended villagers are threatening to sue the film's producers for paying them a pittance to put farm animals in their homes and perform other crude antics.
Residents and local officials in the hardscrabble hamlet 85 miles northwest of Bucharest said Tuesday they were horrified and humiliated to learn their abject poverty and simple ways were ridiculed for a movie now raking in millions at box offices worldwide.
"We thought they came here to help us _ not mock us," said Dana Luca, 40, sweeping a manure-stained street lined with shabby homes of crumbling brick and corrugated iron sheeting.

"We haven't got anything here. We haven't got running water. We can't even bathe," she said. "We are poor people, but we are still people."
Nicolae Staicu, leader of the 1,670 Gypsies, or Roma, who eke out a living in one of the most impoverished corners of Romania, said he and other officials would meet with a public ombudsman on Wednesday to map out a legal strategy against Cohen and "Borat" distributor 20th Century Fox.
Staicu accused the producers of paying locals just $3.30-$5.50, misleading the village into thinking the movie would be a documentary, refusing to sign proper filming contracts and enticing easily exploited peasants into performing crass acts.
Only five villagers have jobs at a nearby sanatorium and a stone quarry, Staicu said. The rest weave baskets, grow apples, pears and plums, gather mushrooms in the dense Carpathian Mountain forests rising above the town, or raise a few scrawny chickens.
With no gas heating or indoor plumbing, most keep warm with wood stoves and drink from wells. Horse-drawn carts far outnumber automobiles on unpaved, badly potholed roads, and mangy stray dogs growl and snap at strangers. Acrid fires smolder in trash piles on the outskirts of the village, and children _ their clothing worn and torn _ play in yards littered with stumps, scrap metal and other bric-a- brac.
"These people are poor and they were tricked by people more intelligent than us," he said. "They took one of our 75-year-old ladies, put huge silicone breasts on her and said she was 47. Another man they filmed to look like the poorest person in the world, and one of our men who is missing an arm had a plastic sex toy taped to his stump."
"We are suing because they were not truthful," added Staicu, who said he saw parts of "Borat" and was disgusted.
"They did not film reality," he said. "We've really had enough of this."
Neither Cohen's agent in London nor 20th Century Fox's offices in Los Angeles immediately returned phone messages Tuesday from The Associated Press.
The mood in Glod, meanwhile, was tense and volatile, with crowds of angry, shouting villagers repeatedly gathering around reporters.
One man was seen slapping his sister, who had appeared in the film, and slamming the gate to his ramshackle home shut to keep her from being interviewed. At another point, a resident threatened news photographers with a stick, and another pelted their car with rocks.
People in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan, where the mustachioed Cohen's character hails from as a TV journalist on an adventure across America, also have decried how they are depicted in the film, whose opening scenes were shot in Glod.
Two members of a fraternity at a South Carolina university who appear making drunken, insulting comments about women and minorities also are suing 20th Century Fox and three production companies, claiming the crew liquored them up in a bar before filming and told them the movie would not be shown in the United States.
Not everyone in Glod is upset. Sorina Luca, 25, excitedly described how she was given $3.30 to bring a pig into her home and let the producers put a toy rifle into the hands of her 5-year-old daughter for one scene.
"I really liked it," she said. "We are poor and miserable. Nothing ever happens here."
But a 23-year-old woman who gave her name only as Irina said she felt bewildered and dismayed that Glod's poverty was reduced to a parody.
The smash success of "Borat," she said, just rubbed salt in Glod's collective wounds.
The film remained the No. 1 weekend draw at U.S. movie theaters for a second week, grossing $28.3 million, according to the latest figures released Monday.
"They made us put a cow in our living room, and they made it defecate and urinate in the house. Everyone's angry because they didn't pay them the way they should have," she said.
"They're making a lot of money _ but they've made us a laughing stock."
So what exactly are these Romanian peasants so angry about? Why are they so angry at being portrayed as themselves? Is it that Cohen portrayed them exactly as they are, uneducated, uncouth, backwards and uneducated peasants in ragged clothing, living in filth and decay? Read this story, especially about the manure in the streets, and the guy assaulting his sister, the trash and garbage fires, and it's pretty clear that Cohen simply filmed these 21st century serfs being exactly who they are.
Yeah, they're poor, and that most likely isn't their fault, at least as a collective group. But there is such a thing as personal fortitude, self respect, and the ability to say no to some guy who comes in and asks you do and say things that you don't agree with. If you say something you don't agree with for money, you're a whore. If you do something you don't really want to do for money, hey, again you're a whore. And all manner of noise doesn't take away the fact that you said/did it.
Hey, they got paid, right? What, did they think they were going to be movie stars? That somehow theire lives were all going to change because of a film crew on hand for a day or two? Yeah, right. I love the part about how they were "made" to put a cow inside their house. No, no one held a gun to them, forced them to do these things--they did it on their own, for whatever perceived benefit might have come. And if it comes across as desperate and idiotic people doing desparate and idiotic things, then Cohen's film really is a lot more documentary than a lot of folks think.
And the dumbass fratboys who are going to sue Cohen and the Fox team for making fools of them? What, they got drunk and yammered on in racist terms and somehow it's not their fault? Hey, college boy, that is you on film, no one else. It's not like they paid someone to use your name and your daily context to put words into your mouth, to portray you unfairly as saying and doing things you didn't do. Taht's slander and libel and defamation of character, clearly illegal. But that's you on the screen, fratboy, getting good and drunk and saying those things. Regardless of the context, you did it and you said it--period. The alcohol and physical context just made you more prone to say what you believe, way down inside.

It's the exact same with Mel Gibson. No, vodka or any other alcohol does not cause one to utter racist or anti-Semitic comments (although my experience is that tequila alters your very DNA), it just gets you drunk enough so that your racism and hatred and fears and all other personal idiot sentiments and beliefs can more easily escape the internal fortress you've built to protect your public image. That's what happened there, and Gibson and his apologizers are liars for saying anything different. He didn't rant on about Jews and evil and all of that other garbage just because he got pulled over for a cop while (allegedly) engaged in the highly illegal and dangerous act of speeding while driving drunk; that dark, angry, latently violent, almost pathological conspiracy belief structure has been there from the beginning (I mean, really, just look at his father).
That was the real Mel Gibson right there, just as it's the real ignorant peasant-gypsies here, and the unfortunately stereotypical dumbass drunken fratboys, too. You are who you are, you did what you did, and you were all foolish enough not to pay attention to the context in which you acted and spoke, the forms that were shown to you and you blithely, ignorantly signed. It's reality, and you are the one who was the fool. Maybe you were duped, but then again, they merely set the stage for you to be yourself, and you are the ones who supplied the content, you fools. In the end, you are the one responsible for your words and actions, and all manner of whining and shrill noise about how you were treated does not erase the fact that you did what you did and said what you did, regardless of your real or imagined motivation.
Pay attention, for Bog's sake, and be careful out there. Life will tear you a new one if you're not paying attention.
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